Friday, December 11, 2009

Luke took me to see Cirque Holidaze at the Orpheum last month. It was such a sweet surprise and he actually got the tickets free from a woman at his office. We had really good seats and the show was incredible. The talent the performers had was amazing...I wish I had taken some pictures inside the show!
We went to Hueys--a restaurant in Memphis famous for burgers and the toothpicks people shoot into the ceiling tiles, then walked to the Orpheum because it wasn't too far away. It was a lot of fun! Anyway, since we had so much fun at the show we decided to look into other shows in Memphis since its only around an hour away. He found out that the Trans Siberian Orchestra was coming to the FedEx Forum! I had only heard their music before but didn't realize that it was a light/laser show too. The tickets were sold out at the Forum but we looked online and found floor tickets for a good price on EBay. It turned out that it was a better deal to buy 3 tickets than 2, so we bought 3 with the intention of trying to resell one of them.
Well, Luke's roommate, Either Su, is from Taiwan and has only been in the US since February and Luke and I have gotten to know and love him so much. He has an incredibly sweet heart and is really seeking the Lord--reading his Bible a LOT and asking tons of questions. He is so fun to be around and he cooks for us a lot and is so generous with anything he has...anyway, I was looking at his facebook page one day and realized his birthday is December 16, the day of the show! I suggested to Luke that we take Either with us for his birthday instead of trying to resell the ticket and of course Luke agreed. We have only told him that we have a surprise for him on his birthday but he doesn't have any idea what it is, so we are both really excited about going AND about seeing Either's reaction.
In other news, I have the majority of my Christmas shopping done. Which is a huge accomplishment for me. Normally I wait until the week of Christmas to buy everything- I mean..I do work best under pressure but for some reason I started shopping early this year. I think everyone will really like their presents! (hopefully)
I had a hard time asking for anything this year. I think a lot of it was because I truly realized how blessed & fortunate I am after spending time in Africa and I am fully aware that I don't need a thing and really don't WANT anything that badly. I tried to think of ideas that I would have needed to buy for myself anyway..gloves and a nightstand and work out clothes. I found out through WorldVision you can buy animals for people in poverty in Africa, Asia, etc to help them provide for their families. I think that is so great and I can't wait to do it.
This is the first year that I truly am looking so much more forward to spending time with family and friends and focusing on celebrating Jesus' birth more than all the commercialism. I do love to watch my family and friends open the presents I bought for them because if they like them it makes me so happy.
I am getting a tiny bit stressed with all the boxes I haven't unpacked. I still havent had the chance to unpack most of my things because I dont have a place for it at my parents house. I planned on moving out in January but its not looking like that will happen as early as I had thought. I basically have unpacked my bathroom stuff and my clothes but everything else has been packed up for a while now. I feel like a nomad kind of.
Kristen,My friend I was planning on moving in with, did buy a house but it doesn't close until Jan 29. And..her cousin is moving in w/ her now. She still wants me to move in too..but I don't know what to do. I have met her cousin once and really liked her but I have no idea what it would be like to live with her. I can see it going really well but I also don't want to get into a situation I regret and I don't want to ruin my friendship with Kristen.
Tonight is game night at Luke's and I'm really excited! I looove to play games. Lately we have been playing a lot of Pictionary, Sequence, and Nertz.

Friday, November 6, 2009

the one with the bathroom epiphany

Last week we had lunch at Firehouse Subs which is amazing...and also has nothing to do with the point. While we were there I had to go to the bathroom and it was a 1 person one...and I had this realization. All bathrooms should have the toilet close enough to the door to be able to hold it shut if the lock is broken. I mean, bathroom locks are broken a LOT of the time and if you're not able to hold it shut you're just praying that no one walks in or using creative techniques like putting the trash can in front of the door..which is not heavy enough to stop the door AT ALL. Just a thought. SO if you ever build a building, just remember.

I cannot believe that it's November. It seems like Christmas was only a couple of months ago...but a lot has happened over the past year so if I really think about it, it seems like a long time ago.

I really love not working Fridays.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

The one with the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Yesterday was the 6 month anniversary.

Luke had to work all day because he's been so busy with midterms he got behind at his he was doing a little catch up..

he called me at 7:55 in the AM (obviouly forgetting that I dont work fridays and therefore was no where close to being awake yet..) and i missed the call but later found out he had bought flowers to bring to my office.

He picked me up at 645 that night lookin' super handsome and took me to Omar's...DELICIOUS. I got blackened chicken pasta that was amazing.

When we left Omars, he gave me 3 options for the next part of the date
1) Carve pumpkins

2) paint canvases (which was really thoughtful because i have told him several times how much i like painting and wanted to paint canvases soon)

3) go bowling (we have gone w/ friends several times but never alone)

I decided on #3. mainly because we didn't have the pumpkins or any paint. and because i really like bowling. We played 2 games...we tied on the first one and i beat him on the second =) He claims he let me win, but i don't buy that.

After that, he told me I could pick ANY movie i wanted to watch (meaning chick flick), so we rented New in Town. I don't really recommend the movie but the fact that he didn't object in the least to a movie that had no guns, murders, or army men was wonderful.

it was an amazing date night! he treats me really well =)
SO anyway, i really do like the fact that i'm a night person. now, i have several friends who are not night people. they really enjoy mornings and like to go to bed early. i've just never understood that at ALL. i really love these morning people. but i just "get" night people... they don't start yawning at 9 and will hang out past dinnertime. i think its just all around a good thing to be a night person...besides the fact that for some reason someone decided we should start work at 8 AM. This is probably the worst planning ever done by man. If the workday began at 10 AM I think the world would be a happier place. People would probably be more rested. Less grouchy people, less car wrecks, more smiles. All sounds good to me. This is assuming people went to bed at the same time they do now. Which I probably wouldn't.

My point with all this is that for no reason i decided to stay awake until 4 AM last night. I decided: I'm 24. It is the weekend. I don't want to sleep, so i'm not going to. And...although it was good to realize i'm way beyond the point of "15 more minutes til bedtime, Lisa" I woke up at 10:30 and have been really tired all day. It was worth it, though, to realize that I am not losing my night person quality.

We helped with a halloween carnival in one of the neighborhood parks today and it was a lot of fun! I was at the face tattoo booth and we got to talk about the salvation bracelets they got when they got to the park. One little girl told me she had never heard of Jesus until today. The weather was beautiful and the kids were really cute in their little outfits.

Luke dressed up as Elmo

Hula Hoop contest: I lost.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

The one where it all begins

Well I mean... I haven't "blogged" in probably something like 3 years? maybe less. maybe.

because facebook has recently been forbidden at work, i have become addicted to reading blogs. i have some cousins that have blogs and i really like reading whats going on in their lives and seeing pictures of their kids and everything since i rarely get to see them.
i have also found some random people's blogs that make me laugh. out loud. which makes me feel like a total stalker. but i think i'm going to feel less creepy if i have my own blog. don't ask me why. i know it doesn't make sense

anyway. what is new. I am living with my parents. (that is like the opening line for a creeper, so i know i'm not really helping that status in any way.) but thats what i did. for a few months until my friend's lease is up on her apartment. ANYWAY i am actually enjoying living here. for now. i get to see my parents way more often, rent has gone way down so i'm actually saving money for my car payments to be finished early.

because i moved back home i've gone through closets and drawers and organized. meaning i've thrown away a LOT because i used to be a major packrat. and i'm sentimental, which my friends claim is a good thing so they can remember things too and not have to keep all the stuff i do. i'm talking notes, receipts, cards, pictures, and any thing that makes me have a good memory pretty much. but i really have thrown away a LOT of stuff. I mean, you know, i still have 3 pretty small plastic boxes of full o' memories. but at least they're organized and at least its only 3 boxes. 3 boxes for 24 years. not too bad.

in other news, my kid patients at work lately have been a major source of headache inducing birth control. not that i need to worry about that right NOW but i'm beginning to wonder if i ever ever ever want kids. but really i think that i do. some day. i've noticed that the for real brats walk in with parents who are either jerks themselves, too lazy to correct the kid, or are under the assumption that they bore angel babies who can do no wrong. I know kids are going to be bad sometimes.... what i'm saying is that when an 8 yr old kid rolls his eyes and huffs and asks how much longer this will take and his little sister interrupts a conversation i'm having to tell me i'm beautiful and then immediately says "now you have to tell me that too" and the mom just smiles like that was the most precious thing...something is wrong. no one wants to hang out with the bratty kid. thats all i'm saying.

if you're still reading this you are either bored or REALLY love me. maybe i will learn to be more organized with my thoughts. not likely, though.