Thursday, October 29, 2009

The one where it all begins

Well I mean... I haven't "blogged" in probably something like 3 years? maybe less. maybe.

because facebook has recently been forbidden at work, i have become addicted to reading blogs. i have some cousins that have blogs and i really like reading whats going on in their lives and seeing pictures of their kids and everything since i rarely get to see them.
i have also found some random people's blogs that make me laugh. out loud. which makes me feel like a total stalker. but i think i'm going to feel less creepy if i have my own blog. don't ask me why. i know it doesn't make sense

anyway. what is new. I am living with my parents. (that is like the opening line for a creeper, so i know i'm not really helping that status in any way.) but thats what i did. for a few months until my friend's lease is up on her apartment. ANYWAY i am actually enjoying living here. for now. i get to see my parents way more often, rent has gone way down so i'm actually saving money for my car payments to be finished early.

because i moved back home i've gone through closets and drawers and organized. meaning i've thrown away a LOT because i used to be a major packrat. and i'm sentimental, which my friends claim is a good thing so they can remember things too and not have to keep all the stuff i do. i'm talking notes, receipts, cards, pictures, and any thing that makes me have a good memory pretty much. but i really have thrown away a LOT of stuff. I mean, you know, i still have 3 pretty small plastic boxes of full o' memories. but at least they're organized and at least its only 3 boxes. 3 boxes for 24 years. not too bad.

in other news, my kid patients at work lately have been a major source of headache inducing birth control. not that i need to worry about that right NOW but i'm beginning to wonder if i ever ever ever want kids. but really i think that i do. some day. i've noticed that the for real brats walk in with parents who are either jerks themselves, too lazy to correct the kid, or are under the assumption that they bore angel babies who can do no wrong. I know kids are going to be bad sometimes.... what i'm saying is that when an 8 yr old kid rolls his eyes and huffs and asks how much longer this will take and his little sister interrupts a conversation i'm having to tell me i'm beautiful and then immediately says "now you have to tell me that too" and the mom just smiles like that was the most precious thing...something is wrong. no one wants to hang out with the bratty kid. thats all i'm saying.

if you're still reading this you are either bored or REALLY love me. maybe i will learn to be more organized with my thoughts. not likely, though.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lisa, I was reading your blog...and yes, I really love you. I am sure your Mom and Dad are glad to have you at home for a while. I just wanted to say a couple of things about your last paragraph. You are right that YOUR kids don't have to be like the ones you are talking about. It does make a difference how you raise them. Also, I want you to think about something I said to you once before when grandma was in ICU the first time. "If grandma Burton had decided to not have children, who would have been sitting in the ICU waiting room concerned about her? Not one person! The decisions you make in your early life greatly affect your life later. Also, if you believe that God knew you were going to be born, and I believe you do believe you think that all your pondering about what to do will really make any difference, you think that IF you are supposed to have children according to God's plan for you, you WILL have them! Just something to think about. I know you will make a great wife and Mom when the time is right! I love you, Aunt Lorie
