I have been on a mission to force myself to like coffee.. the first few times i tried it i'm pretty sure my face looked like i had just tasted the nastiest thing on planet earth. it is just so bitter and is pretty gross. i'm just tired of not liking coffee. and since i've tried to give up (or as luke would tell you, just decrease consumption of) cokes i need a new source of caffeine.
SO--as of now i like coffee in 3 ways, 2 of which "coffee drinkers" might not count. Maybe even all 3 don't count. but its closer than i was.
#1. Maxwell House Cafe Francais-
i tried this instant coffee mix because my mom is absolutely addicted and it was all that was available at the time. at first i just tolerated it and forced myself to drink it but now i sort of like it.
#2. Maxwell House Vanilla Caramel Latte
again, instant coffee mix. i'm pretty sure i've heard 9 "coffee drinkers" say that this doesn't count as coffee. well you know what? it has coffee in it. and i'm making progress. and this is delicious, probably because it doesn't taste a thing like coffee. very foamy & caramel-y. i like this the best but since i am really trying to actually like coffee, i make myself drink this only every other morning
#3. Plain coffee out of the coffee pot with a little milk and a little sugar. i mean...i can force myself to down a cup of this stuff but it absolutely not enjoyable to me. it is bitter and really bad tasting. and burns my throat since i basically chug it to get it over with.
I am not really sure why i am on this make myself like coffee kick. i have seen first hand how much it stains teeth and makes people's tongues yellow. i mean--disgusting. on the other hand, i want to like coffee and i need my caffeine in one way or another. and it is good for runners...
people suggest creamers and things but i dont know which direction to go with that.
oh, and tomorrow is vanilla caramel latte day which makes me smile.
Cow Appreciation Day--2012
12 years ago